
miércoles, 22 de marzo de 2017

Rosted mackerel with baked potatoes/ Caballa al horno con patatas

Rosted mackerel with baked potatoes/ Caballa al horno con patatas


1 Mackerel
1 Tomato
1 Onion
4 or 5 Potatoes
2 Garlic cloves

Cooking Instructions:

1. Bring some salted water to boiling. Meanwhile peel the potatoes and put them in the boiling water for 10 minutes.

2. Preheat the oven 180C or 356F. Put some baking paper on an oven tray. Wash and slice the onion and the tomato. Spread it over the oven tray.

3. Wash and place the mackerel on top of the veggies and salt it.

4. We are going to prepare the marinade sauce. Take a small bowl and cut the garlic cloves in small pieces, wash and chop the parsley, add it to the garlic. Add abundant olive oil, a bit of salt and mix.

4. Spread this sauce over the fish. Add some more oil over the veggies. And, if you like you can add half glass of cooking wine, or white wine.

5. Wash the potatoes out and place them on the tray.

6. Bake at 180C or 356F for 35 minutes.

7. And it will be ready to be served. Enjoy!

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